Sort out all your bills, receipts, invoices and expenses as quickly as possible and keep detailed accounts 尽快整理好你所有的账单、收据、发票和开支,并记好账目明细。
Please give us detailed accounts concerning functions of these new products and after-sale service. 请给我们提供关于产品性能和售后服务的详细记录。
You should be aware of the fact that a too detailed set up of historical rates ( for example on extended dimensions or journal numbers) will make the analysis of converted accounts more complicated. 您应该注意一个事实:一个非常详细的历史汇率设置(例如在经过扩展的维度或日记账编号上的历史汇率)将使得经过转换的金额的分析更加复杂。
But now it refers to detailed accounts of personal expenditure. 现在,词多用来指个人记的消费流水帐。
If the query results of the detailed data of the credit securities accounts of investors provided by the securities company are different from those provided by the company, the securities company shall be responsible for explaining it to investors. 投资者信用证券账户明细数据在证券公司和本公司查询结果不一致的,由证券公司负责向投资者做出解释。
Donors have also become more demanding and increasingly expect detailed accounts of how their dollars are spent. 捐赠人的要求也变得更加苛刻,越来越多的人要求看到善款支出的详细账目。
He drew up a detailed analysis of the company's accounts. 他详细地分析了公司的财务。
The directors are probably going to recommend that we accept the take-over bid, but we can muddy the waters by asking detailed questions about the company accounts. 董事们很可能建议我们接受那个索价,但如果我们提出关于公司的账目的详细问题就可以把事情搞浑。
The diaries contained detailed accounts of the writer's experiences in China. 日记详细记述了作者在中国的经历。
The results of this study provide a detailed, comprehensive description of human corneal nerve architecture and density that extends and refines existing accounts. 该研究说明,综合的描述了人角膜神经结构和密度。
Regarding the balance sheet and income statement referred to in Paragraph 1 above, a business may, depending on actual need, prepare detailed lists of accounts and cost statement. 第一项资产负债表及损益表,商业得视实际需要,另编各科目明细表及成本计算表。
AIG does not disclose the detailed financial performance of AIA as a separate entity and buyers await the publication of a more transparent and comprehensive set of accounts. 美国国际集团没有披露友邦作为独立实体的财务状况,投资者正等待更加透明和全面的账目报告。
Detailed accounts of the land fund are shown for the first time in the HKMA annual report. 金管局年报首次列载土地基金的详尽账目。
The investors need to claim the rights by use of the detailed data of the credit securities accounts through securities companies. 投资者日后需凭信用证券账户的明细数据自行通过证券公司主张权利。
The detailed term for bond issuance may be determined in light of the macro economic and financial status of the Mainland and the convertibility process of capital accounts. 具体发债期限可根据内地宏观经济金融形势和资本账户可兑换进程确定。
However, with a number of detailed eyewitness accounts that back up the author's assertions cropping up daily on the Web, the denials serve more to enhance the book's growing reputation. 但是随着许多细节上支持作者的陈述的来自目击证人的描述每天不断在网上出现,这些否认更帮助了这本书的声名鹊起。
Price of the detailed list of amount of engineering accounts and risks-against 工程量清单计价及风险防范
To describe the whole process of using income, the indexes 'setup of Income Distribution and Expenditure Accounts should be more detailed than that of Physical Transaction in Flows-of-funds Accounts Statement. 收入分配及支出账户描述收入分配使用的全过程,其指标设置应该比资金流量表中实物交易部分的相关指标设置更加详细。
And then the detailed design on some of the software function modules is carried out including user log module, permission management module, users opening accounts operation module, users payment operation module and users authorization operation module. 对本软件的部分功能模块包括用户登录模块、权限管理模块、用户开户操作模块、用户缴费操作模块、用户授权操作模块进行了详细的设计。
Secondly, on the phases of manipulation, we should strengthen the checkup of credit before providing a loan, make the terms of the contract detailed and make preventive measures, deal with the procedures of accounts receivable pledge in time, and so on. 然后从操作层面上要加强贷前审查,细化合同条款,约定防范措施,及时办理应收账款质押登记手续等。